Senator Marty Flynn Issues Response to Supreme Court Ruling on Abortion
I was very disheartened on Friday when six Supreme Court Justices disregarded 50 years of precedent and overturned Roe v. Wade. While a majority of Americans support a woman’s right to choose, this is still a very divisive issue, and over the years I’ve spoken with...
Senator Marty Flynn Calls for Change Amid Scranton School District Bus Contract Mishandling
Scranton, PA – April 8, 2022 – Senator Marty Flynn has released a statement regarding the Scranton School District’s bus contract bidding process: “What should have been a simple and public bidding process turned into yet another insult to the Scranton taxpayers...
Op-Ed: Scranton School Board Should Listen to Voters, Adopt Payroll Tax
Op-Ed by Senator Marty Flynn A slightly condensed version of this column appeared in the December 17th edition of The Scranton Times. This week, I was able to secure a $1.8 million state grant to help the Scranton School District. I was very proud...
GOP Senators, Accept Reality, Move on
OpEd by Senator Marty Flynn
I need to respond to the Pennsylvania Senate Republicans calling for an investigation into the results of the 2020 Election. To be honest, folks, I had a hard time deciding if I should even write this. It’s frustrating to have to respond to claims so absurd. The Republicans are living in a fantasy world, and they want us to pay for their room and board. This is beneath us. It should be beneath them, too.